Angeleen Harris
CFO & Owner
For almost 3 decades, I have been a trusted advisor as an accountant and manager of finances for a previous employer in San Diego, California. Wow! That even blows my mind to this day!
I have finally stepped out on faith in December 2019 (after a confirmed revelation from Immanuel, God with Us) and made the decision to form my small business: Immanuel & AnG’s Financial Services, LLC after a change in business dynamics with my previous employer.
Amidst my journey of providing financial assistance, I have successfully earned my Master of Science Degree in Public Administration Healthcare Management and Bachelors degree in Business Administration/Accounting along with certifications required to provide accurate business and personal tax strategies.
As a working mother, grandmother and wife, I enjoy spending time with my family dining out, going to amusement parks, traveling to different states for family reunions, cruising and traveling abroad. My most favorite places traveled so far was to Hawaii and Hong Kong! I look forward to traveling to Australia, Fiji, and Rio de Janeiro. I am a Girl Scout leader and love mentoring girls and young ladies to become their best and giving back to our community. As an active member at my church, I serve on our Women’s Retreat Committee, sing in the choir and a Sunday School Teacher.
I am so grateful and thankful that we are able to come to you to pay-it-forward by helping and serving others that may not have access to or unaware of resources that can save them money, create generational wealth and provide peace of mind when it comes to your finances. We truly provide services above and beyond your expectations!
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